Open-access Financing strategies, a challenge for commercial smes in Guanacaste


Companies require optimal financial management to remain and grow in the market, eight out of ten companies do not survive more than ten years and only 5 percent of SMEs in Costa Rica are found in Guanacaste, so its required more consolidated companies in the area that contribute to economic development. This article aims to analyze challenges for financing in companies by studying the perspective of commercial SMEs in Guanacaste. The results obtained include that the analyzed sector has developed its business through personal financing with savings, or even using resources from other employment and, in addition, making initial investments of less than five million and with the support of suppliers have managed to position their SMEs, although very few expanding in the market, on this expansion show desires to do it even through indebtedness, but affirm ignorance in financial matters. These companies must recognize the relevance of financial management and seek strategies to grow through constant learning with training on financing and administration in general. This research promotes an orientation towards management in a responsible manner, seeking the profitability and growth of commercial SMEs in Guanacaste and Costa Rica.

Keywords: Financing; strategy; administration; SMEs; Guanacaste.

None Universidad de Costa Rica. , San José, San José/San José/San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, (506) 2690-0654, (506) 2666-1206 - E-mail:
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