Open-access Latin America During The Cold War (1947-1989): An Introduction


This article analyzes the evolution of Latin America during the Cold War. First, a general characterization of the bipolar world is given; then an account of the most emblematic events which identified that historical phase in the Latin American subcontinent is presented. Thereupon, it describes a characterization of the countries that enjoy some kind of political stability. Afterwards, it refers to the dictatorships in the Southern Cone, and then, it offers an analysis of the Cuban and Sandinista revolution as the two examples which have remained longer in the region. Finally, it addresses the condition assumed by the Central American isthmus, as a hot spot of the Cold War during the decade of 1980. As a result, those countries located south form United States were part of the complex dynamics of the bipolar world and its own implications: rise of dictatorships, revolutions, civil wars and violation of human rights.

Keywords: Cold War; political history; dictatorship, revolution, Latin America

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