Open-access Generic competencies in the education of university of Costa Rica’s English teaching students: faculty and student perception and its relationship with the requests of the employers


This article presents the main results of a research performed about the relevance of the university education of English Teaching professionals in University of Costa Rica; the triggering question was: What are the generic competences University of Costa Rica English Teaching graduates the need to develop, from the perspective of the faculty, students and representatives of the labor market? The group of participants was formed by representatives of the employing entities, faculty and students from the Rodrigo Facio Campus and the Western Campus of the University of Costa Rica. The employers measured the importance of the competencies included in the applied questionnaire. On the other hand, the faculty and the students indicated the importance as well as the degree of development of each competence in their study plan. The three populations considered that all the competences were important. However, the faculty and the students differed regarding the degree of development of each promoted through the university education.

Key Words: Relevance; University education; Generic Competences; English Teaching

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