Open-access Determination of cations in drinking water Grecia, Costa Rica  by atomic absorption

Analyzed the springs twenty-nine Grecia, which was quantified cation concentration, resulting in the following: Calcium, presented a range between 8.14 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span> and 13.74 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span> with an average of 10.96 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span>. Magnesium the range was from 2.01 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span> and 3.79 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span> with a mean of 2.66 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span>. Sodium, comprising the values between the range 2.23 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span> and 4.71 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span> with an average of 3.20 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span>. Potassium range is between 1.10 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span> and 3.31 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1</span> with an average of 2.12 mg L<span name="style_sup">-1. In general it can be said that the concentration of cations in the canton of Grecia is low or very low, according to seasonal period, with values less than those recommended in the Drinking Water Regulations from Costa Rica, study results regarding effects on health of the population supplied due to normal consumption, concluded that concentrations of cations do not cause health consequences despite its lack, if complemented with a supplementary diet.</span>

None Universidad de Costa Rica. , San José, San José/San José/San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, (506) 2690-0654, (506) 2666-1206 - E-mail:
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