Open-access U.S.-China trade war: a clash beyond tariffs


The article reflects on the situation at which the United States waged a trade war against China, positioning international trade as an instrument of international policy, to achieve objectives that go beyond the issue Economic. This situation of trade crisis is considered to be in the interest of geopolitical positioning by the United States.

Moreover, it is claimed that this situation represents an affront to the international liberal order, which has historically been led by the United States, but is on this occasion eroding its traditional free trade stances; with the aim of affecting its closest international competitor by global hegemony, represented by China.

Key words: United States; China; Trade War; liberal order.

None Universidad de Costa Rica. , San José, San José/San José/San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, (506) 2690-0654, (506) 2666-1206 - E-mail:
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