Open-access Beliefs About System Justification In Costa Rica: Social Class, Gender And Aggression


An investigation on system justification and social classes in Costa Rica is presented. Participants were 150 people (M = 33.6, SD = 10.4), men and women of working age from Upala, a border town with Nicaragua. It explores the relationship between the participants’ life satisfaction, political orientation, system justification, and tendency towards collective action; and their social class, aggression tendency, and different socio-demographic variables and system justification ideologies. The results indicated a relationship between social class and system justification and different processes by gender. This investigation is a contribution to the psychosocial research on the justification of the capitalist system in one of the populations that suffer it the most.

Keywords: system justification; social class; gender; aggression; Upala

None Universidad de Costa Rica. , San José, San José/San José/San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, (506) 2690-0654, (506) 2666-1206 - E-mail:
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