Open-access Sustainability and competitiveness a challenge for sun and beach tourist destinations. Case of Rincon de Guayabitos, Nayarit, Mexico


In Mexico, since the seventies the coastal areas have aroused the attraction of tourism developers and thus implement the model known as sun and beach tourist destinations, to this type of ventures was inserted to the state of Nayarit, starting with its South coast region that includes Rincon de Guayabitos. However, the massive use and poor compliance with the environmental regulations that characterize this model has exerted excessive pressure on these important maritime-land transition ecosystems. It is necessary to recognize that not all are large volumes of visitors and positive profitability, the challenge is in the conception of a systemic synergy for the sustainability and competitiveness of tourist destinations, which ensures the conservation of their base resources and at the same time be productive Innovators in leisure and recreation services in order to position themselves among the best world quality standards.

Keywords: Tourism; Sustainability; México; Competitiveness

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