Open-access Immigration and employment in Costa Rica: An analysis with a gender perspective based on the continuing employment survey


The objective of this paper is to characterize the immigrant population (from a gender perspective), as well as their participation in the Costa Rican labor market, for results to be used by other researchers interested in migration issues, government authorities, and social organizations to prepare related public policies. In this sense, the document presents an analysis, based on the information collected and processed from the data for the second quarter of 2018 of the Continuing Employment Survey (ECE), which is conducted quarterly by the National Institute of Statistics and Census of Costa Rica (INEC).

Immigrants (individuals born in another country) are characterized at a national level by planning region, country of origin, age group, and sex. In addition, a detailed analysis is included of employed and unemployed individuals and the educational profile of the immigrant population in the work force.

Keywords: employment; unemployment; gender; migration; Costa Rica; INEC

None Costa Rica, Heredia, San Rafael, Heredia, Costa Rica, Heredia, Costa Rica, CR, 506, 25624142 - E-mail:
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