Open-access Nursing Care Guide for the administration of blood and its components (integrative review)


The objective of this research was to identify the best scientific evidence that supports nursing care for people who receive a transfusion of blood and its components. The methodology followed the guidelines of the integrative review based on a general survey from which a question was written using the PCC format (Population, concept and context); an information search strategy was established in Spanish, English and Portuguese databases. The selection and critical analysis and interpretation of the evidence found was carried out. A total of 3543 articles were initially identified, of which 3513 were removed (by duplication) and 30 were excluded (by title); therefore, 16 were selected. As a result, the nursing care before, during and after the administration of blood components, related to the recipient, product quality, materials, prevention and assessment and timely intervention in the event of adverse reactions is highlighted. It is concluded that the established nursing care is similar among the different documents, this integrative review is considered an optimal guide for professionals to apply the different activities described to improve the quality of blood transfusion procedure in health institutions.

Keywords: Blood-components; Blood-transfusion; Nursing-care

None San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José , San José, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José , CR, 474, 25112118, 22535660 - E-mail:
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