This study aims to provoke critical thought regarding the use of mathematical models in the classroom based on a pedagogical experiment involving a group of fifth grade students and teachers at a school in Colombia. The study had a qualitative focus with data collected through interviews, observation and documents written by the students themselves, which was then analyzed by the teacher to identify strengths and weaknesses. According to the results, frequent use of mathematical modelling is stimulating for the students. As a result, students become more engaged, acquire a more favorable outlook towards mathematics and earn better grades in the subject. Among the conclusions, greater use of technology in the classroom is recommended to facilitate mathematical modeling. For quality teaching and learning, both teachers and staff administrators must promote opportunities for research, analysis and inquiry, using tangible examples and contextualized situations. The use of Information and Communications Technology (ICT) in the classroom is recommended to facilitate mathematical modeling activities with greater teacher training opportunities, availability of resources and institutional support for adequate planning.
Keywords Students; Teachers; Mathematical Modeling; Elementary School; Colombia