Learning Routes are customized approaches to learning in mixed environments that integrate background knowledge and identity through Extended Autobiographical Multi-methodology (MAE). Learning Routes (LR) provide opportunities for expression that connects and individual’s context and identity to curricular content. The objective of this study is to analyze how LR are used in Educational Majors at a state Mexican university at three different points in their career: Induction Admission and Follow-up, in order to customize their professional learning experience. This is a qualitative, phenomenological, longitudinal and evolutionary study that uses a series of techniques based on questions, drawings and personal insight in virtual as well as face-to-face environments to determine beliefs, assessments and volitions. According to results obtained for the Induction phase, students were positive regarding their personal identities and their careers as teachers. The Admissions stage revealed that students faced difficulties in connecting their passions with the learning content. Follow-up, conducted through tutoring, sheds light on negative assessments by students in developing their academic skills and stated their will to resolve this through student-proposed tutoring. Results show that there are many challenges tied to LR, such as strategies, materials, support programs and professional ties.
Keywords Learning Routes; Learning; Identity; Knowledge; Personality