Open-access Design and validation of a measurement scale to explore the structuring knowledge in the comprehensive training of university students


An indicator of the quality of university training is the relevance of the knowledge that is structured in the students. The current trend suggests the predominance of an integral vision. This research aimed to design and validate a measurement scale, for the purpose of identifying the main types of knowledge among university students, on two subscales: 1) disciplinary training and 2) social and personal training. The instrument was based on the theoretical proposal of dispositional structures. The sample consisted of 308 university students from both public and private schools in Toluca Valley, aged between 17 and 30. The authors processed the data through both exploratory factor analysis and Cronbach's Alpha. The results show an accumulated variance for the first scale of 44,207, explained by three factors; and for the second scale of 39,719, explained by two factors: both being consistent with the theoretical structure. The congruence is .858 and .806 respectively, which shows that the instrument has construct validity and internal consistency. Hence, the researchers concluded that the scale can be used in future higher education research. It is presented in two subscales so that they can be applied independently. However, it is recommended to apply both to have a more solid consistency of the comprehensive training of university students.

Keywords University Education; Knowledge; Disciplinary Training; Value and Personal Training; Instrument Design; Comprehensive Training

None Universidad de Costa Rica, Sede Rodrigo Facio Brenes Facultad de Educación, San Pedro, Montes de Oca, San José Costa Rica, San José, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San Jose, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, 11501 , 2511-4518 , 2511-6123 - E-mail:
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