This article presents a case study with the aim to improve the conditions of web accessibility of a science and technology public communication device, "Dynamic Hypermedia Device, Memoria y Experiencia Cossettini". It publishes in Open Access digitized documents from the "Cossettini pedagogical archive" containing a large number of visual aesthetic elements. From the theoretical framework, the collaborative elaboration of contextualized multimodal digital objects could allow those who participate in the DHD MyECossettini a sensitive/accessible experience of exploration, interpretation and non-exclusive recreation of digitized heritage archives, without detriment to the singular and significant of the original source. Therefore, it is proposed DHD-Accessibility based on the principles of Perception, Comprehension, Action and Flexibility. Methodologically, the analysis and development of accessible digital objects are developed with a socio-technical and interdisciplinary approaches, focused on the principle of perception. The results achieved confirm that the accessible alternatives developed enable new perceptual channels and provide contextual information that constitutes added value for all people. Finally, it is highlighted that participating in "DHD-Accessibility" does not necessarily require IT expertise, enabling each person, from their place, to collaborate in guaranteeing equitable access to information. However, it is noted that the most complex challenge is presented in the construction of an active collective awareness that assumes with responsibility to guarantee the Human Right to inhabit cyberspace without exclusions.
Keywords web accessibility; educational heritage; multimodal objects