Open-access Project of cataloging through descriptors consultations series in current public archives


The report analyses some useful remarks for the implementation and accomplishment of cataloging projects by descriptors, about the information that is inside documents in consultations and answers series of current public archives. These ideas are tackled by a systemic approach. After explaining the first results gained in the project by Pons Seguridad Vial society inside a Spanish Public Administration, the report concludes with the importance of differentiating the key information inside the vast informative volume of an institution. Thus the efficiency prevails in information retrieval and the speed takes priority over reuse of information. The relevance and the potential of consultations series in current archives are emphasized for the implementation of these kind of projects, that they should not replace regular archival processing.

Keywords: Information systems; current records; archives automation; series description; finding aids; cataloguing.

None Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, Costa Rica, San José, San José, CR, 2060, 2511-1919, 2511-1949 - E-mail:
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