Open-access Wikipedia as a means of scientific dissemination and communication: influence in the educational, research and library-documentary field


This article identifies practical elements of application of Wikipedia in its contributions towards the popularization and scientific communication applied to different disciplinary fields, such as: (1) educational (means of transfer in collaborative learning processes, constructivism, critical thinking and transdisciplinarity); (2) scientific research (structured system of big data and derivation of findings through its contents); and (3) library-documentary (application of information metrics, derivation of controlled and uncontrolled document languages, and training of information users). The development of the article is based on the use of a methodology focused on phenomenology (from the perspective of science), for which, a body of knowledge about Wikipedia was studied, related to educational, scientific research and library science fields. -documentation, through a consistent analysis, which led to the description and interpretation of lived experiences, recognizing its meaning and importance as an information system with the capacity for positive and ethical influence. The results offer elements that strengthen the credibility of Wikipedia as an information system, since it has been paradigmatically questioned in a negative way, therefore, the identification of contributions that justify its value as a complex, innovative and unique system in the socialization of the academic and scientific knowledge, with wide influence in various formal fields of knowledge, without yet having a sufficiently solid recognition.

Keywords Wikipedia; information services in free access; free encyclopedias; online information systems; scientific dissemination; scientific communication

None Universidad de Costa Rica, Escuela de Bibliotecología y Ciencias de la Información, Costa Rica, San José, San José, CR, 2060, 2511-1919, 2511-1949 - E-mail:
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