Open-access <span name="style_bold">The face of the country on paper and metal</span>: <span name="style_bold">sculpture in filatería and numismatics</span>

This article explores the vision and perceptions transmitted on existing monumental sculptures in Costa Rica, which is represented on postage stamps, coins and banknotes made in the same Republic. This will analyze the possible messages that the Costa Rican government spread and promoted, by linking to monumental sculpture of state propaganda instrument itself, with other means of massive impact control for him.

National history; national identification; numismatics; sights; iconography

None Diálogos Revista Electrónica de Historia, Universidad de Costa Rica , Escuela de Historia, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San Pedro, San José, CR, 11501-2060, 2511- 6446 , 2511- 6452 - E-mail:
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