Open-access The Oxcart Men in the North-West Central Region of the Central Valley of Costa Rica among The Centuries XIX And XX


This article analyzes a piece of national history related to Costa Rican rural means of transportation in the XIX and XX centuries. Particulary, the study focuses on the North-West Central Region of this country that groups the cantons of San Ramón, Palmares, Naranjo, Grecia, Valverde Vega, Poás, Atenas y Zarcero, where the "boyero" helped develop the rural economy by offering their transport services from town to town.

Keywords: Oxcart men; means of transportation; rural economy; poverty and North-West Central Region

None Diálogos Revista Electrónica de Historia, Universidad de Costa Rica , Escuela de Historia, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San Pedro, San José, CR, 11501-2060, 2511- 6446 , 2511- 6452 - E-mail:
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