Open-access Concerning traffic jams: a reading of “Luz Verde: Mujer lejana” by Fernando Contreras and “Cerdo” by Daniela Maestres


Concerning traffic jams: a reading of “Luz Verde: Mujer lejana” by Fernando Contreras and “Cerdo” by Daniela Maestres

Traffic jams, named in Costa Rica dams, are a reason for impatience and frustration for those affected by them, even though they can also get the best of the human being who is waiting. This paper presents a reading of two short stories whose characters are in a traffic jam: “Luz verde: mujer lejana” by Fernando Contreras and “Cerdo” by Daniela Maestres.

The two short stories are read from the concepts of ideology and their strategies proposed by Terry Eagleton (2005) and the concept of Norm by Michel Foucault (1990).

The situation in which the characters of both stories are trapped makes them meditate on their own lives; however, they end up acting in accordance to what is expected from them.

Key words Fernando Contreras; “Luz verde: mujer lejana”; Daniela Maestres; “Cerdo”; ideology; Terry Eagleton

None Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Cartago, Caratgo, CR, 159-7050, 2250-9102, 2550-9024 - E-mail:
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