Open-access Art Education in the Global Scene. The Collaborative Project between the Center for Artistic Research (CIA) and the Master Program in Contemporary Latin American Aesthetics (MECL/UNDAV)


This article analyzes the emergence of the Centro de Investigaciones Artísticas (CIA) in Buenos Aires (Argentina) in 2009 and its later collaboration with the Universidad Nacional de Avellaneda (UNDAV) through the master’s degree in Contemporary Latin American Aesthetics (MECL). The creation of CIA is part of the emerging educational programs with varying degrees of formality that occurred during the period 1999-2000. These programs introduced different educational models of art teaching already globally established, but unknown at the local level (crits and art residences) in Argentina. These new educational models also replaced traditional models of art teaching and challenged contemporary forms of art production, circulation and professionalization. The CIA/UNDAV collaborative project (2016) can be analyzed according to the requirements-in terms of education and professionalization-that the global art scene demands of the contemporary artist.

Key words: Art education; vocational education; arts; research; artistic creation; pedagogic innovation

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