Open-access The Costa Rican narrative in the face of the new means of transportation:the subjective experience of a plane trip in “Pasajeros al norte”


The Costa Rican narrative in the face of the new means of transportation: the subjective experience of a plane trip in “Pasajeros al norte”

When Yolanda Oreamuno published this narration in the Repertorio Americano, in September 1944, commercial flights represented an experience for a minority for most of the world’s population, and particularly for the rural Costa Rica at that time. The enunciating voice of “Pasajeros al norte” provides a comprehension exercise, between the psychological and the microsociological of a newest experience: a trip on a new means of transportation: a plane, which goes beyond the time and space coordinates: it stimulates a panoramic view of the earthly surface and imposes long-distance relationships -and their possible annulment among the passengers.

Key words: Means of transportation; Costa Rican literature; travel literature; Costa Rican short story

None Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Cartago, Caratgo, CR, 159-7050, 2250-9102, 2550-9024 - E-mail:
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