Open-access Strengthening community leadership capacities for local development management in the Huetar Norte Region


Boosting community leader capabilities to manage local development in the Huetar Norte region

In 2017, Universidad Estatal a Distancia (UNED) implemented the Associate Degree in Local Management. Set in the con- text of social reconstructionism, where knowledge stems from critical analysis and the resolution of social problems, leading to the transformation of both the participating subject and their society. This article seeks to systematize the experience and its contribution to the development of the Huetar Norte region by bolstering democratic culture.

The associate degree fostered policymaking in community leaders in San Carlos, Guatuso, Los Chiles, Upala, and San Ramón. The capacities reached by the participants fit three categories: theoretical knowledge, know-how, and know-how- to-be. These are considered success factors in the educational process: generating spaces for self-knowledge and socio- emotional empowerment, the analysis of reality by means of educational methodologies that foster learning and teaching in context, design of local development initiatives, and social media management in their territory.

The efforts to address the issue reflect upon theoretical input, and the implementation of knowledge achieved the proposal of 31 local development initiatives, aimed at environment, culture, production, education, and organization management, as well as addressing safety, furnishings, and infrastructure. Students are encouraged to follow up on the execution of these initiatives so they can assess their development in the resolution of social issues and advise them to increase their performance. Additionally, consolidating the local actors’ network platform as a catalyst for development.

Key words: Social reconstructionism; political capacities; self-governance; development; networking

None Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Cartago, Caratgo, CR, 159-7050, 2250-9102, 2550-9024 - E-mail:
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