Open-access Solving of mathematical problems in Costa Rican secondary education: a study about attitude


This paper presents the results of a study regarding Costa Rican official public high school students' attitude toward the solving of mathematical problems. In such study, the existence of differences between men and women was researched. The best educational levels with the best attitude were also identified. The research was based upon a sample of 3271 students along the year 2014.

The results show that approximately 20% of students has a low or very low attitude in regards to solving mathematical problems, which is not really favorable; 50% has a middle attitude, this is, neither low nor high. Also, the results reveal significant statistical differences in the level of attitude toward solving mathematical problems based upon sex, showing that men have the higher levels, even though the amount of the effect is low.

The findings suggest that there are no differences in the level of attitude between tenth graders and eleventh graders, being these levels the one that show the lowest attitude in comparison to the seventh, eighth and ninth grades, which becomes worrisome since the least favorable levels of attitude are precisely found in those students who will soon face the choice of a university career, where the mathematical component is vitalin order to choose technology or science options.

Key words: Attitude; problem solving; mathematical problems; math learning; middle education; affectivity

None Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Cartago, Caratgo, CR, 159-7050, 2250-9102, 2550-9024 - E-mail:
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