Open-access The accents of fear: the biopolitical construction of the foreign in the short story “Un regalo” by Yolanda Oreamuno


The accents of fear: the biopolitical construction of the foreign in the short story “Un regalo” by Yolanda Oreamuno

Based on a Fouculian concept of biopolitics, this paper analyzes the short story “Un regalo” by Yolanda Oremuno. This narration presents the story of a non-verbal confrontation between the national individual and a foreigner. From the semiotics of fear, how this prejudice is constructed is thus analyzed. The body of the foreigner is represented by a bizarre monster, as a risk of contagion before the amazement and rejection of the national. Finally, it is proven that in this dynamics a biopower paradox is generated, since the rejection body is the one that suffers the most in the face of monstrosity.

Key words: Yolanda Oreamuno; Costa Rican narrative; short story; biopolitics; inmigrations; xenophobia

None Escuela de Ciencias del Lenguaje, Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Cartago, Caratgo, CR, 159-7050, 2250-9102, 2550-9024 - E-mail:
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