Open-access From Abya Yala to Kurdistan. Differential Oppositional Consciousness and Decolonizing and Depatriarchalizing Dissident Feminist Articulations


This article analyzes the event called Abya Yala plaza, organized within the framework of the 34th National Women's Encounter, in the city of La Plata, Argentina in 2019. The analysis is based on the theoretical framework of decoloniality and the critique raised by Latin American feminists to the notion of intersectionality. From the most outstanding characteristics of this activity –which brought together a large number of feminized and dissident corporalities and subjectivities– are recovered the main enunciations that took place there. This event is analyzed as a form of articulation between feminisms of plurinational character, popular indigenous, and dissident feminisms in the key of a depatriarchalizing and decolonizing dissident feminist coalition. The study concludes that the Abya Yala plaza constituted the political scenario for the emergence of a critical consciousness of a translocal/global dissident feminist, decolonizing, and depatriarchalizing character.

Keywords Feminism; multiculturalism; decolonization; females; political participation

None CIICLA, detrás de la Facultad de Letras, Universidad de Costa Rica, San Pedro de Montes de Oca, San José, Costa Rica, América Central, San José, Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica, CR, 11501-2060, 2511-7253 , 2511-1958 - E-mail:
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