Open-access Psychometric properties of the ambivalent sexism Inventory (ASI) in ecuadorian adult population


Objective. The aim of the study was to validate the Ambivalent Sexism Inventory (ASI) in the Ecuadorian context, as well as to analyze its internal consistency and convergent validity with the Ambivalence Inventory towards men (AMI). Method. Men (44.1%) and women (55.9%) from the city of Quito (N = 965), aged from 20 to 60 years old, participated in this quantitative and instrumental study. Results. The ASI presents an adequate factorial fit to the original two-factor model; there is internal consistency in the total scale (w = .72) and in the two factors (hostile sexism: w = .71; benevolent sexism: w = .53), and statistically significant convergent validity with the AMI (r = .652). It is concluded that the instrument use in the Ecuadorian context is valid.

Keywords Ambivalent sexism; psychometric test; adult population

None Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas. San José, Costa Rica. , San Jose, San Pedro Montes de Oca, San José, San Pedro Montes de Oca, CR, 11501-2060, 2511-6974, 2511-6973 - E-mail:
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