Open-access Innovations in Measurement: visual Analog Scales and Retrospective Pretest Self-Report Designs

Innovaciones en medición: escalas Visuales Análogas y Diseños pre-test de Autoinforme Retrospectivo


The authors discuss limitations of two popular measurement procedures, the Likert scale and conventional pretest-posttest self-report design. Both techniques have limits and yet are often combined, leading to restricted fidelity for measuring change. The authors go on to discuss two innovations in measurement that provide researchers with greater assessment fidelity: Visual analog scales and the retrospective pretest design. Moreover, when used in combination, these innovations measurement techniques provide dramatic increases in the power to detect and quantify change.

Keywords: Attitudes; polytomous items; MRG; college students

None Facultad de Ciencias Sociales, Instituto de Investigaciones Psicológicas. San José, Costa Rica. , San Jose, San Pedro Montes de Oca, San José, San Pedro Montes de Oca, CR, 11501-2060, 2511-6974, 2511-6973 - E-mail:
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