This article addresses the difficulties in psychiatric diagnoses together with the practical need for these labels. The characteristics of these disorders, the definition of what is considered pathological by morally prescribed standards and the conflicts of interest between psychiatry and pharmaceutical companies, have led to question the diagnostic categories in this field of knowledge. We argue that diagnostic categories are necessary, for the initial clinical approach; for access to medical care, disability and other legal rights; for research in this field; and for the definition and allocation of resources in evidence-based public policies. We discuss how clinical practitioners should assess the subjective perception of the sufferer of their symptoms, discomfort and dysfunction, together with a careful observation of non-verbal and para-verbal behavior, to propose a presumptive syndromic diagnosis and the initial approach. The diagnostic criteria of the DSM or ICD should not be applied as a “checklist” resulting in an unquestionable final diagnosis. Finally, we make a call to de-stigmatize the psychiatric categories. Fear of stigmatization resulting from psychiatric labels has been shown to contribute to sufferers not seeking professional help, for disorders in which psychotherapeutic and pharmacological treatment, improves symptomatology, quality of life and functionality.
Keywords: psychiatric diagnosis; antipsychiatric movement; stigma