Open-access <b>Acute Lyme Disease in Costa Rica</b>: <b>Description of the First Autochthonous Case</b>

This is the case of a 44-year-old patient, who lives in Santa Teresa, Puntarenas; with acute onset of fever, chills, severe arthralgias and malaise, 15 days after a tick bite. The indirect fluorescent antibody test for Lyme was positive and the patient improved with doxycicline for 14 days.Other infectious and noninfectious diseases were ruled out; we consider this case as the first autochtonous case of Lyme disease in Costa Rica.

Lyme disease; Costa Rica

None Apdo. 548-1000, Sabana Sur, San José, Costa Rica, San José, San José, CR, 504-1000, 2210-2200, 22102279 - E-mail:
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