La prevención de la infección por virus B se basa en medidas generales como tamizaje de hemoderivados, prácticas sexuales seguras y uso de jeringas desechables. La inmunización activa es la estrategia más importante para evitar la infección y sus complicaciones. La inmunización pasiva es útil para prevenir la infección en situaciones especiales.
hepatitis B; inmunización
The prevention of the infection by virus B is based on general measures such as screening of hemoderivatives, safe sex practices and use of disponsable syringes. Active immunization is the most important strategy to avoid the infection and its complications. Passive immunization is used to prevent the infection in special situations.
hepatitis B; immunization
Referencias bibliográficas
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Centers for Disease Control. Notice to readers update recommendations to prevent hepatitis B transmission-United States. MMWR MorbMortal Wkly Rep. 1995; 574-575.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Notice to readers update recommendations to prevent Hepatitis B virus transmission-United States, MMWR MorbWkly Rep.1999:48; 33-34.
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European Consensus Group on Hepatitis B Inmunity. Are booster immunizations needed for lifelong hepatitis B immunity?. Lancet 2000; 355: 561-65.
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Aggarwal R, RanjanP. Preventing and treating Hepatitis B infection. BMJ 2004; 329: 1080-6.
*Gastroenterólogo. Hospital de San Carlos
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