Open-access Evaluación sensorial de frijol (<span name="style_italic">Phaseolus vulgaris </span>L.) mejorado nutricionalmente en dos comunidades cubanasL.) mejorado nutricionalmente en dos comunidades cubanas

<span name="style_bold">Sensory evaluation of nutritionally improved beans (<span name="style_italic">Phaseolus vulgaris </span>L.) in two Cuban communities. </span>The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensory characteristics of nutritionally improved common bean (line 38) and a local varie ty (BAT 304) among bean producers and consumers in Holguín, Cuba. An exploratory questionnaire revealed that small-seeded black beans were the most consumed, and that rice and bean casserole were the main recipes. Three sensory tests were applied to 80 individuals from March to June 2008: triangle discrimination, acceptability, and preference. Fifty participants correctly discriminated between the two bean varieties (P&lt;0.000001). There was no statistical difference (P=0.9, on a scale of 1 to 4) in the number of participants who classified broth consistency, the taste of the casserole, and the texture of the beans. However, when words were used to describe and score these characteristics, there was a difference between the bean varieties in consistency and texture, but not in broth taste. Seven participants indicated no preference for the casserole prepared with either bean. Of the remaining 73 that expressed a preference, there was no statistical difference (P=0.13) in the proportion who preferred any bean type. In conclusion, there are sensory differences between the nutritionally improved and locally consumed beans, but preference was similar, which suggests good consumer acceptance of nutritionally improved beans.<span name="style_italic">Phaseolus vulgaris </span>L.) in two Cuban communities. L.) in two Cuban communities.

Organoleptic evaluation; food acceptability; consumer preference

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