Open-access Self-perception of critical reading skills of students in educational sciences


This article intends to identify self-perceived critical reading skills in advanced students of Educational Sciences in a public university in Resistencia (Chaco-Argentina). Sixty students from the fourth and fifth levels of the courses of studies for teachers and a Licentiate Program in Educational Sciences, were recruited for the study and requested to answer a structured questionnaire (CPC2), which was designed and standardized by Santiuste Bermejo. Although this instrument investigates the perceptions related to reading, writing and oral skills, at this stage we investigated only the first topic. In order to analyze the information, the items selected were grouped according to the cognitive processes required for critical reading: firstly, those related to the skills before reading; and secondly, those related to the critical assessment itself. The results of the research shows that most students recognize relevant ideas and thesis, make inferences, ponder over solutions, and appreciate the dateness of the content and the arguments to make informed decisions. However, a certain ambiguity can be observed in relation to their skill to agree or disagree on the authors’ attitude towards the subject. These findings conform to what is expected of students from multi-paradigmatic courses of studies.

Keywords:  Critical Reading Skills; Self-Perception; Advanced Students; University; Argentine

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