Open-access ¿Educators or consumers? Self-discrepancy, consumption and materialism in chilean pedagogy students

This paper aims to characterize the relationship between Self-discrepancy, attitudes toward buying and materialistic values in pedagogy students considering gender differences. The Self-discrepancy scale and the Attitudes toward Purchase and Material Values scale were applied in a sample of 167 Chilean Pedagogy students majoring in History teaching in two universities in southern Chile. The results show significant correlations for Self - discrepancy  between the physical, intellectual and economic dimensions and the impulsive  and  compulsive attitudes towards buying, as well as the dimensions of materialism linked to social success and personal happiness. Regarding gender, women display an ambivalent attitudinal profile in which rationality coexists with c ompulsivity. Considering the social relevance of the future professional practice of pedagogy students, the results are discussed highlighting the importance of the inclusion of economic and financial education in early teacher training, with a strong emphasis on awareness about their own attitudes and values towards consumption.

University Students; Pedagogy; Economic behavior; Consumption; Gender; Chile

None Instituto de Investigación en Educación, San José, San José, San José,San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, 25111412, 25111411 - E-mail:
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