Open-access Science, curriculum and teachers: natural sciences in secondary education


This article presents a reflection on science and education develops. From the epistemological visions and complex sociological interpretations that conceptualize and warn the development and significance of science; to examining the natural sciences in the curriculum of secondary education as part of comprehensive reform of basic education by the Mexican government in 2011. The reflection on science contemplates the various positions that philosophers, sociologists, scientists and other researchers have proposed to understand the generation and development of knowledge. At another point, Bernstein curricular approaches and the concept of "life-world" of Habermas allow an approach to the ideas and practices of teachers of secondary education. Here it is seen that in the development of science programs and the daily school and uncertainties are obstacles that make it difficult for teachers to transform the simplistic conceptions of science or routine practices. Also, it is interesting to note that understanding the world of science teacher facing and the curriculum allows teachers to rethink the processes of formation, so that teachers possess elements that allow them to recognize the complex nature of scientific knowledge and teaching.

Keywords:  Science; Curriculum; Teacher; Certainty; Uncertainty; México

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