Open-access Approach to the socialization process of Cabécar Children from Chirripó

This article is the result of the investigation "Approach to the socialization process of Cabécar children from Chirripó", which took place in the Institute for Educational Research (INIE in Spanish) from the University of Costa Rica. The University of Costa Rica as a public institution of higher education has assumed the responsibility to contribute through its different areas of work in solving the national community needs to search for better living conditions for all the people that inhabit it. For this reason, the Institute for Educational Research has generated reflections about the urgency of creating culturally relevant educational processes in Cabécar communities from Chirripó, and this article aims to contribute in this regard. To this end, it is required to study the socialization processes of this ethnic group to identify their own parenting practices that allow them to build, and re-signify their cultural identity, where those practices are considered as the early and formal education that generates relevant and significant educational processes.

Socialization Processes; Early Education; Culturally Relevant; Curriculum; Cabécar Indigenous Schools; Costa Rica

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