Open-access Learning and Academic Achievement in Higher Education: A Comparative Study


This article presents the results of two researches carried out with a view to determining the repertoire of learning strategies and their association with curricular progress and academic performance of learners from two higher education institutions located in the V Valparaiso region and in the VIII Bio-Bio region. In either case, the ACRA-Abbreviated questionnaire (Acquisition, Codification, Recuperation and Assistance) was applied. The first case corresponds to learners belonging to a study program for the training of primary teachers. The second case corresponds to learners belonging to a vocational and training program of the Chilean Armed Forces. The findings of the study indicate a lower use of teaching and learning strategies in two different groups of students in higher education, as well as little or no increase in learning strategies along the training period. In the end, the findings agreed with other research studies where good or high performance students have a higher repertoire for strategies than low grade students

Keywords:  Learning strategies; learning assessment; teaching methodologies; higher education; Chile.

None Instituto de Investigación en Educación, San José, San José, San José,San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, 25111412, 25111411 - E-mail:
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