Open-access Learning Orientation for Taking Strategic Notes on University Student

The scientific paper theoretically and methodologically based system for strategic guidance note taking from the theory of planned actions that integrates mental conception of strategic learning from a perspective of the learner and the learning design process learning. The system for strategic note-taking is organized in 3 guiding action bases containing a representational synthesis of action and the conditions of its performance against the Strategic approach to learning, the use of technical and strategic perspective to take notes. It also contains methodological guidance for targeting strategic note taking covering logic, pedagogical and psychological. The results are part of a research conducted at the Central "Marta Abreu" of Las Villas University in Santa Clara, Cuba in 2013. Guidance system was evaluated by external evaluators introduced criterion corresponding improvements. It is, as a scientific result, the platform for the development of teaching aids aimed at developing strategic note taking.

learning orientation; learning strategies; taking notes; university teaching; Cuba

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