Open-access Interpersonal trust between the members of a school: value basic and forgotten by the educational reforms


More than 20 years of educational reform have been insufficient to provoke the change awaited and stimulated by the policies in the relative thing to the quality and equity of the learnings in the school Chilean system. In this context, the aim of this essay is to think, on one hand, it brings over of the relation between social distrust and resistance to the changes of the schools. On the other hand, are outlined the opportunities that the presence of interpersonal trust generates in a context of changes, product of the implementation of educational policies. This essay contains a reflection derived from a doctoral investigation concluded during the year 2013, realized in basic Chilean vulnerable schools, which there had as intention analyze the phenomenon of the relational trust between teachers and the directors and his consequences in the implementation of educational policies in schools. The principal reflections of this essay consist of thinking that the interpersonal trust is a prop that promotes and supports the processes of change of the schools in the context of the educational reforms.Nevertheless, Chile and Latin America seem to face a crisis of distrust that comes to the school and to the interpersonal relations that develop between teachers and executives. The interpersonal distrust acts like source of resistance to the change of the schools. For it is that the educational reforms should not ignore this social problematics and, in consequence, they must guard in order that the conditions and basic values, as the interpersonal trust, are present in the school.

Key words:  Organizational Change; Interpersonal Trust; Educational Reform; Educational Policies; Chile

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