Open-access Counseling Needs of Parents from Academic Day Secondary Schools of the North San José Region

This paper arises from a study undertaken in 2013 that allowed the identification of counseling needs of parents, from the perspective of Guidance counselors working in educational institutions. The research is descriptive and was done under a quantitative approach. Information was collected through a 15 open-question questionnaire. Some of the main findings were: that mothers and fathers wish to satisfy their children's basic needs, as well as to support them in school matters, but they are not successful due to poverty, unemployment, and domestic violence. Counselors express that parents need education in relation to clear rules, limit setting, and consequences. It is necessary for schools to promote a culture of involvement of parents with students' educational processes, in order to favor school achievement.

school-family relationship; educational instituion counseling needs; life-long education; Costa Rica

None Instituto de Investigación en Educación, San José, San José, San José,San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, 25111412, 25111411 - E-mail:
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