Open-access Attitude towards ICT and toward its didactic integration in the initial teacher training


This essay presents a theoretical framework to develop the constructs: attitude towards ICT and attitude towards the didactic integration of ICT in teachers’ education. We discuss the development of a positive attitude towards ICT (+A(ICT)) and a positive attitude towards the didactics integration of ICT(+A(IntDid)). Further, we claim that a positive attitude towards ICT is influenced by variables and orientations such as knowledge and ICT skills, subject knowledge, or beliefs about learning. In addition, we propose some actions to develop a positive attitude towards ICT in teachers’ education programs. We conclude that the design of teachers’ education curriculum should include the development of ICT knowledge and skills closely connected to pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, and technology as well as the provision of an approach regarding how to use technology to assist learning.

Keywords: educational technology; teacher attitude; initial teacher education; didactic

None Instituto de Investigación en Educación, San José, San José, San José,San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, 25111412, 25111411 - E-mail:
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