Open-access Characteristics of the writing planning of syndrome down students


The writing is a complex cognitive skill of extraordinary importance for the personal and social development of the people. Therefore the objective of this research is to know how the syndrome down students who attend a special education school in Granada and Jaén (Spain) plan the writing expression.This qualitative research entails a “collective case study” of twenty five syndrome down students of between 16 to 21 years old. The “semi-organized interview” is used to gather data and the “content analysis” is used to interpret them. The results obtained have showed what the strategies and operations of the planning of the writing which are activated by the syndrome down students while the preparation of a text are as well as what the most important difficulties that they find during this process are. Finally, some educational aspects are offered for the teaching in planning the writing.

Key Words:  Writing planning; Writing; Down Syndrome; Writing difficulties; Case study

None Instituto de Investigación en Educación, San José, San José, San José,San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, 25111412, 25111411 - E-mail:
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