Open-access Intellectual capital model for research in public universities in the colombian Caribbean Coast


This article proposes a model of intellectual capital for research in public universities in the Colombian Caribbean coast. Thus, a quantitative research with a situational analytic type was performed with a population of seven (7) universities made up of 290 people and a sample of 79 informants subjects leading research groups categorized and endorsed by each university under study, to which they were applied a Likert questionnaire of 57 items. The analysis and interpretation of data characterizing allowed in public universities in the Colombian Caribbean coast intangible assets favorably present in the components of intellectual capital. As well as the presence of the evolving strategic and corporate and social approaches to generate intellectual capital from research. This was taken as a basis for the proposed structure from the presence of thirty-four variables or types of intangible assets grouped into eleven elements or groups of intangible assets that are part of the Human Capital model; Digital Capital; Relational Capital formed by the Social Capital and Business Capital; Structural Capital formed by the Organizational Capital and Technological Capital.

Key words: human capital; public university; research; intellectual capital

None Instituto de Investigación en Educación, San José, San José, San José,San Pedro de Montes de Oca, CR, Apartado 2060, 25111412, 25111411 - E-mail:
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