Open-access Suplementación con Pared Celular y Cultivo de Levaduras en Vacas Prontas y su Efecto sobre la Calidad del Calostro y el Estado Inmunológico de las Terneras

The study was conducted at a private dairy farm located in Santa Rosa de Oreamuno, Cartago Province. Thirty prepartum Jersey cows and their calves were used in a completely randomized design with 2 treatments of 15 repetitions each. Treatments were: first, unsupplemented control; and second, daily supplement from 21 days prepartum with 40 g of cell wall and yeast culture. The concentration of total immunoglobulins of colostrum was quantified, giving average values of 90.06±23.74<span name="style_sup">-1</span> for the control group and 105.94±17.59<span name="style_sup">-1</span> for the supplemented (p&lt;0.05). The concentration of total serum protein in the blood serum of calves was quantified, giving average values of 8.57±1.27 g.dl<span name="style_sup">-1</span> for the control group and 8.24±1.26 g.dl<span name="style_sup">-1</span> for the supplemented (p&gt;0.05). The daily weight gain, weekly growth expressed as height at the withers, solid diet daily intake and feed conversion of calves during the first 8 weeks were quantified, obtaining average values of solid diet intake of 985.17±8.51 g and 977.51±5.74 g (p&gt;0.05), daily gain of 382.86±1.20 g and 410.94±51.22 g (p&gt;0.05), weekly growth of 1.45±0.33 cm and 1.70±0.31 cm (p&gt;0,05) and feed conversion of 2.57±0.11 and 2.38±0.09 (p&gt;0.05), for the control group and supplemented, respectively. In conclusion, supplementation with cell wall and yeast culture had an enhancing effect on concentration of total immunoglobulins in colostrum and an improving effect on the health of calves, reflected in lower incidence of respiratory and digestive tract diseases. for the supplemented (p>0.05). The daily weight gain, weekly growth expressed as height at the withers, solid diet daily intake and feed conversion of calves during the first 8 weeks were quantified, obtaining average values of solid diet intake of 985.17±8.51 g and 977.51±5.74 g (p>0.05), daily gain of 382.86±1.20 g and 410.94±51.22 g (p>0.05), weekly growth of 1.45±0.33 cm and 1.70±0.31 cm (p>0,05) and feed conversion of 2.57±0.11 and 2.38±0.09 (p>0.05), for the control group and supplemented, respectively. In conclusion, supplementation with cell wall and yeast culture had an enhancing effect on concentration of total immunoglobulins in colostrum and an improving effect on the health of calves, reflected in lower incidence of respiratory and digestive tract diseases.

Cell Wall; yeast culture; colostrum; immunoglobulins; passive immunity

None Universidad de Costa Rica. Campus Universitario Rodrígo Facio. Ciudad de la Investigación Finca 2, San José, San José, CR, 11501, 25112080 - E-mail:
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