Open-access Evaluación de la capacidad productiva de Pleurotus Ostreatus con el uso de hoja de plátano (<span name="style_italic">Musa paradisiaca</span> l., cv. Roatan) deshidratada, en relación con otros sustratos Agrícolas l., cv. Roatan) deshidratada, en relación con otros sustratos Agrícolas

<span name="style_bold">Evaluation of the productive capacity of Pleurotus ostreatus using dehydrated banana leaves (<span name="style_italic">Musa paradisiaca</span>), in contrast to other agricultural wastes.</span> The objective of this study was to evaluate the production of the CP-50 of strain of edible mushroom <span name="style_italic">Musa paradisiaca</span>), in contrast to other agricultural wastes.<span name="style_italic">P. ostreatus</span> remainders of banana leaf (<span name="style_italic">M. paradisiaca</span>) residues in comparison whith other agricultural waste. The banana leaves were collected in the Martinez de la torre region Veracruz-México, and the other agricultural waste namely wheat straw (<span name="style_italic">T. aestivum</span>), barley straw (<span name="style_italic">H. vulgare</span>), bean straw (<span name="style_italic">P. vulgaris</span>) and corn stubble (<span name="style_italic">Z. mays</span>) were from the region of Tetela de Ocampo, Puebla, Mexico, in  order to obtain fructification under rural conditions. The CP-50 strain showed adequate growth of aerial mycelium on dried banana leaves, reaching a production rate of 1.5±0.1%. The highest biological efficiency (EB) was obtained on the wheat straw substrate, with 129.34±9.1%, followed by anadequate mycelia growth on remainders of dehydrated banana leaf with EB 123.30±0.7%, and while bean straw got the lowest EB 82.91±0.4%. The results demonstrated the feasibility of cultivating the CP-50 train of <span name="style_italic">Pleurotus ostreatus</span> under rural conditions in the northern sierra of Puebla State, by taking advantage of banana residues in regions around that municipality. under rural conditions in the northern sierra of Puebla State, by taking advantage of banana residues in regions around that municipality.

Pleurotus ostreatus; CP-50; dehydrated banana leaf; aerial mycelium growth

None Universidad de Costa Rica. Campus Universitario Rodrígo Facio. Ciudad de la Investigación Finca 2, San José, San José, CR, 11501, 25112080 - E-mail:
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